James Bachini


  • Solidity Tutorial | Gas Paying NFT

    Solidity Tutorial | Gas Paying NFT

    The challenge is to create a NFT contract that charges 1 ETH to mint but then stores the entire amount as collateral in a liquid staking token. As staking rewards come in they get distributed to the holders of the NFTs. At any time a user can burn the NFT to reclaim the 1 ETH.…

  • How To Stake Ethereum, Luna or Solana| LIDO Staking Tutorial

    How To Stake Ethereum, Luna or Solana| LIDO Staking Tutorial

    As Ethereum moves to a proof of work network it opens up the possibility to stake our assets to gain a yield. We can do this by running our own validator node on the network… or we can use a liquid staking platform. In this lido staking tutorial I’m going to look at the LIDO…