James Bachini


  • Using ChatGPT To Monitor The Silk Road Bitcoin

    Using ChatGPT To Monitor The Silk Road Bitcoin

    In this video I demonstrate how to monitor a Bitcoin address using NodeJS James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: https://youtu.be/rZ5TnPkO86Y | Subscribe Here is a quick script (full code below) that was knocked up using chatGPT to play an mp3 alert file if any Bitcoin moves from the SilkRoad address. I set this up because…

  • Defending Against Sandwich Attacks and MEV | A Guide to Flashbots Protect

    Defending Against Sandwich Attacks and MEV | A Guide to Flashbots Protect

    By using a private mempool such as Flashbots protect, Ethereum users can protect themselves against MEV (maximum extractable value) including sandwich attacks. It doesn’t cost anything to use and is easy to setup with existing digital wallets, such as Metamask. Sandwich Attack Protection MEV refers to the potential profit that miners can extract from the…