James Bachini


  • Dynamic Tracking Tokens For Major Ad Networks

    Dynamic Tracking Tokens For Major Ad Networks

    Google Adwords Search term insertion {keyword=”leather couches”} {Keyword=”Leather couches”} {KeyWord=”Leather Couches”} {KEYWORD= “LEATHER COUCHES”} {device} {devicemodel} {placement} {creative} {adposition} {target} {network} {matchtype} Facebook No tokens 🙁 Plenty of Fish pof.com {age:} {state:} {gender:} TrafficVance %KEYWORD% MSN Adcenter {KeyWord} = Order Fresh Fruit today {keyword} = Order fresh fruit today {Keyword} = Order Fresh fruit today…

  • UK Postcodes for major cities

    This is useful for PoF advertising. A list of postcodes (Zip Codes) for major cities in the UK. Can be used for all sorts of other uses, as you can see this was formatted for a php geo-targeting script. $postcode[‘London’] = ‘W1D1AP’; // use for england radius 75miles $postcode[‘Birmingham’] = ‘B46QS’; $postcode[‘Leeds’] = ‘LS18TL’; //not…