10 Worst Web Hacks
The 18th annual “Top 10 Web Hacking Techniques of 2024” highlighted web security research through community nominations and expert panel voting. From 121 initial nominations, 103 qualified entries were evaluated, culminating in the selection of the most innovative web security findings. Confusion Attacks in Apache HTTP Server Researchers found ways to make the Apache web…
Assessing Smart Contract Security Auditors
A smart contract audit can cost anything from $5,000-$250,000 USD. Within this range there is a wide range of services, some offer better value for money than others. In this article I will go through the options for founders looking to hire an auditor and some of the checks you can do to ensure you…
Foundry Tutorial | How To Debug & Deploy Solidity Smart Contracts
Foundry is a Solidity Framework for building, testing, fuzzing, debugging and deploying Solidity smart contracts. In this Foundry tutorial we will cover the following: Introduction To Foundry [Video] James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: |Subscribe Smart contracts are most often written in Solidity but tested and deployed using Javascript frameworks such as Truffle or…