James Bachini


  • Dynamic Tracking Tokens For Major Ad Networks

    Dynamic Tracking Tokens For Major Ad Networks

    Google Adwords Search term insertion {keyword=”leather couches”} {Keyword=”Leather couches”} {KeyWord=”Leather Couches”} {KEYWORD= “LEATHER COUCHES”} {device} {devicemodel} {placement} {creative} {adposition} {target} {network} {matchtype} Facebook No tokens 🙁 Plenty of Fish pof.com {age:} {state:} {gender:} TrafficVance %KEYWORD% MSN Adcenter {KeyWord} = Order Fresh Fruit today {keyword} = Order fresh fruit today {Keyword} = Order Fresh fruit today…

  • Dynamically modifying the landing page with TrafficVance using php

    Dynamically modifying the landing page with TrafficVance using php

    I ran into a silly issue today when dynamically modifying a landing page using TrafficVance. The script I was using was a pretty straight forward: <?php if ($_GET[‘t202kw’]) { $kw = strip_tags($_GET[‘t202kw’]); } if(strpos($kw,’jetinternetmarketing.co.uk’) !== false) { $page = ‘<h1>Dont target JiM on traffic Vance</h1>’; } ?> The problem was that the url I was…