James Bachini


  • Creating WASM Files Using Rust and Running Them in the Browser

    Creating WASM Files Using Rust and Running Them in the Browser

    In this tutorial we will be writing some code in Rust, compiling to web assembly (WASM) and then running that code in a browser. This enables high performance applications to be run within a web dev setting. In this tutorial I’ll be using windows subsystem for Linux. Let’s first install Rust and wasm-pack (more instructions…

  • Format JSON Tool

    Format JSON Tool

    A simple tool to lint and format JSON because I was fed up of using the ones covered in ads. Format JSON The Javascript code that makes this work is quite simple: It can be used to format outputs prior to displaying the results of API queries or any other JSON found wild around the…

  • Markdown Tutorial | How To Get Started With Markdown 🖋

    Markdown Tutorial | How To Get Started With Markdown 🖋

    In this markdown tutorial I’ll be showing you how to get started with writing simple markdown for docs and social media before going on to some more advanced concepts and exploring the things you can do with markdown. Markdown Tutorial This video goes through the basics step by step. There are more details, copy &…