Smol dApp is like a swiss army knife of useful tools for DeFi. Their main offerings are:
- MultiSafe – deploy a gnosis multisig wallet across various L1 and L2 blockchains to the same address
- Disperse – send ETH and ERC20 tokens to multiple addresses
- Gib – donate to crypto projects
- Dump Services – built with Yearn to sell multiple tokens at the same time
- Migratooor – migrate ERC20 tokens
- NFTMigratooor – migrate ERC721 & ERC1155 tokens
- TokenListooor – A open source collection of JSON token lists for developers
The product we are going to look at todays is their flagship MultiSafe wallets. This is a GnosisSafeProxy contract which requires a set number of wallets to sign off on a transaction before it goes through. For example you could input 4 addresses when creating the safe and require that 3/4 signatures are required.
These can be deployed across six blockchain’s currently: Ethereum Mainnet, Optimism, Arbitrum, Gnosis, Polygon and Base.
Note, at this time I don’t believe it’s possible to deploy to testnets via the UI.
One nice feature is the ability to create a vanity address using a set prefix. This is brute forced in the browser prior to deployment so don’t expect 8 leading zeros.
Each deployment costs a gas fee to deploy the contracts and a $4.20 fee for Smol. Gas prices are particularly low right now so this totaled just under $15 to deploy on Ethereum mainnet.
You can then go to:
Which is where you’ll interact with your Safe Multisig as you normally would. In the “My Safe Accounts” you should see the option to “Add” your new multisig.
![Gnosis Safe Multisig](
Smol dApp provides a number of simple services like this which are useful for people working and experimenting in the DeFi space. You can check out their site at:
Please note this is not a sponsored post and I have no stake in Smol. Always exercise caution when using decentralized applications with real funds.