James Bachini


  • NFT Token Vault Solidity

    NFT Token Vault Solidity

    This was inspired by the CryptoKitties WG0 token vault which accepts gen zero CryptoKitty deposits and mints 1 ERC20 token for each. Users can then buy tokens on exchange and claim NFT’s from the vault. The code is open source and available at: https://github.com/jamesbachini/NFTvault How The NFTvault Contract Works When you deposit your NFTs into…

  • Solidity Tutorial | Gas Paying NFT

    Solidity Tutorial | Gas Paying NFT

    The challenge is to create a NFT contract that charges 1 ETH to mint but then stores the entire amount as collateral in a liquid staking token. As staking rewards come in they get distributed to the holders of the NFTs. At any time a user can burn the NFT to reclaim the 1 ETH.…

  • ERC721 Token Contract | Solidity Tips & Examples

    ERC721 Token Contract | Solidity Tips & Examples

    The ERC721 Token contract is the original industry standard for NFTs (Non-fungible tokens). In this article we will look at a simple example and talk about some of the best practices around building ERC721 Tokens. James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: https://youtu.be/B64VBGt3tMU |Subscribe Why Use ERC721 Token ERC721 is a standard interface for NFTs on…

  • ERC721 vs ERC1155 | Solidity Tips & Examples

    ERC721 vs ERC1155 | Solidity Tips & Examples

    Today we will discuss the differences between ERC721 vs ERC1155 smart contracts and the use cases where each is best suited. These are the two most popular types of smart contracts used for the creation of NFTs (non-fungible tokens). James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: https://youtu.be/B64VBGt3tMU |Subscribe ERC721 Smart Contract ERC721 is the original standard…

  • Dynamic Evolving NFTs | How To Create Dynamic NFTs & dApps

    Dynamic Evolving NFTs | How To Create Dynamic NFTs & dApps

    Dynamic NFTs include logic that evolves the underlying data that the NFT contract holds. In this example we will build a picture profile NFT that is upgradeable to an alien 👽 All the source code for this project is available at: https://github.com/jamesbachini/WomenWhoCode Dynamic NFT Smart Contract The Solidity smart contracts will comprise of two tokens:…

  • POAP vs NFT | A Guide With Examples

    POAP vs NFT | A Guide With Examples

    In this article we will look at what POAPs are and how their technology is built on top of NFT standards. We will also look at how to create simple POAPs and NFTs. In the conclusion I’ve put together some thoughts on why I think POAPs should only be used for fun and not for…