James Bachini


  • Proposer Builder Separation

    Proposer Builder Separation

    Proposer Builder Separation (PBS) is an Ethereum concept that aims to reduce relay centralization and redirect a proportion of MEV to validators staking Ethereum. In the current Ethereum network, validators are responsible for both proposing and building blocks. They are incentivised to coordinate with 3rd party MEV protocols which order the transactions in the blocks.…

  • Defending Against Sandwich Attacks and MEV | A Guide to Flashbots Protect

    Defending Against Sandwich Attacks and MEV | A Guide to Flashbots Protect

    By using a private mempool such as Flashbots protect, Ethereum users can protect themselves against MEV (maximum extractable value) including sandwich attacks. It doesn’t cost anything to use and is easy to setup with existing digital wallets, such as Metamask. Sandwich Attack Protection MEV refers to the potential profit that miners can extract from the…

  • MEV Uncovered | The Dark Side Of DeFi

    MEV Uncovered | The Dark Side Of DeFi

    MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) is a term used to describe the maximum value that can be extracted from block production beyond the standard block reward and gas fees by including, excluding, and changing the order of transactions in a block. MEV can be thought of as the economic value that arises from the ability to…