James Bachini


  • OpenZeppelin Libraries | Solidity Tips & Examples

    OpenZeppelin Libraries | Solidity Tips & Examples

    OpenZeppelin libraries are popular for building secure smart contracts on top of pre-audited code in Solidity. The framework includes a number of reusable smart contract components, such as token contracts, access control contracts, and math libraries. In this article we will explore the various Libraries available within the OpenZeppelin framework to give you a tool…

  • Solidity Tutorial | Fixed Rate Staking Contract

    Solidity Tutorial | Fixed Rate Staking Contract

    In this tutorial we will create a fixed rate staking contract that pays out 1 token for every 1 token staked per year. The contract will be built on an OpenZeppelin ERC20 token library with additional functionality for staking. The user will stake their tokens which will lock them in the smart contract at what…