Remixd Tutorial | How To Take The Solidity IDE To The Next Level
I’ve gone full circle from Remix > Hardhat > Foundry > Remix I find that I enjoy coding most when I’m experimenting with ideas and proof of concepts within the Remix IDE at However for more serious projects I inevitably find myself moving out of creative mode and into testing mode in either Hardhat…
Dynamic Evolving NFTs | How To Create Dynamic NFTs & dApps
Dynamic NFTs include logic that evolves the underlying data that the NFT contract holds. In this example we will build a picture profile NFT that is upgradeable to an alien
All the source code for this project is available at: Dynamic NFT Smart Contract The Solidity smart contracts will comprise of two tokens:…
Solidity for Beginners
Solidity is the programming language used to develop smart contracts on Ethereum and other compatible blockchains. In this “Solidity for Beginners” tutorial I will take you from setting up solidity tools to deploying your first contract. James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: |Subscribe Tools & Setup We will be starting in Remix which is…
Solidity Interface Examples | How To Connect The Lego Bricks Of DeFi
Solidity interfaces allow developers to call external contracts from within their own smart contract. This enables us to build on top of the existing DeFi ecosystem. In this tutorial we will be looking at how solidity interfaces work and going through some example code for common tasks. James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: |Subscribe…