Google Adwords
Search term insertion
{keyword=”leather couches”}
{Keyword=”Leather couches”}
{KeyWord=”Leather Couches”}
No tokens
Plenty of Fish
MSN Adcenter
{KeyWord} = Order Fresh Fruit today
{keyword} = Order fresh fruit today
{Keyword} = Order Fresh fruit today
{keyWORD} = Order fresh FRUIT today
{KEYWord} = Order FRESH fruit today
{KEYWORD} = Order Local Fresh Fruit today
{adId} Passes the unique ID # of the ad that was clicked.
{siteId} Passes the unique ID # of the site where your ad was clicked.
{campaignId} Passes the unique ID # of the campaign that received the click.
{networkId} Passes the unique ID # of the exchange where your ad was clicked.
{postbackId} Passes the unique ID # of the visitor that clicked your ad.
{domain} Passes the domain name where your ad was clicked.
{pageUrl} Passes the URL of the page where your ad was clicked.
{demographicIds} Passes the ID(s) of the applicable audience segments.
{contextualIds} Passes the ID(s) of the applicable contextual categories.
{dpid} SHA1 hashed platform-specific ID (e.g., Android ID or UDID for iOS). (mobile only)
{did} SHA1 hashed device ID; IMEI when available, or else MEID or ESN. (mobile only)
{uid} This value represents either {dpid} or {uid}, in that order of priority. (mobile only)
{carrier} Passes the carrier of the people that click your ads. (mobile only)
{device} Passes the device of the people that click your ads. (mobile only)
{appId} Passes a numeric ID (for Apple) or bundle name (for Google)
{appType} Passes a string that outputs the origin or type of application responsible for the click. [Example values: “APP_STORE” (Apple) or “PLAY_STORE” (Google)] (mobile only)
{site} Website the ad was placed on
{campaign} Campaign ID from advertisers side
{title} Ad ID
{thumbnail} Thumbnail ID
Yahoo Gemini
{ifsearch: string}
{ifphone: string}
{ifphone: string}
{{{bidhash}}} Unique impression ID (Use this to track conversions/actions)
{{{ad_id}}} Ad ID (Identifies the ad associated with the impression/click/conversion)
{{{creative_id}}} Creative ID (Identifies the creative used in the ad)
{{{ad_name}}} Name of campaign
{{{carrier}}} Carrier used by mobile device (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, …)
{{{os}}} OS of device (Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone OS, …)
{{{os_version}}} OS Version (Android 4.0.4, iOS 6.0.2, …)
{{{device}}} Device type (iPad, DROID RAZR, Kindle Fire, …)
{{{media}}} app or site
{{{country}}} Country of visitor (United States, Mexico, Canada, Germany, …)
{{{ip}}} IP address of user
{{{app}}} Name of app where ad is placed
{{{site}}} Name of site where ad is placed
{{{placement}}} Combination of site and app. Name of either site or app where ad is placed.
{{{ua}}} User agent string
{{{category}}} IAB Category of site/app
{{{subcategory}}} IAB Subcategory of site/app
{{{idfa}}} iOS User IDFA
[=MOBTAG=] Reference ID specified by MobPartner
[=DEVICEID=] The UDID of the Android device as device_id
[=ANDROIDID=] The parameter for Android ID as android_id
[=MACADDRESS=] The MAC address
[=ODIN=] The ODIN of the Android device as odin
[=PUBLISHERID=] MobPartner’s publisher ID as sub_publisher
[=SERVICEID=] MobPartner’s service ID as sub_site
[=CAMPAIGNID=] Campaign name or ID as sub_campaign
[=ACTIONID=] The action ID as sub_adgroup
[=CREATIVEID=] Ad name or ID as sub_ad
{clickid} Go2mobi unique click id
{campaign} Go2mobi campaign id
{pln} Exchange placement name
{plid} Exchange placement id
{crid} Go2mobi creative id
{imp} Impression dimensions (width x height)
{cc} Exchange country code of user
{referrer} HTTP referrer url (if applicable)
{referrer_domain} HTTP referrer domain
{isp} Carrier name of user
{ip} IP address of user
{xip} Proxied IP address of user
{country} Carrier country of user
{region} Carrier region of user
{city} Carrier region of user
{agent} Device user agent
{ua_hash} Device user agent SHA1 hash
{device_vendor} Device make
{device_model} Device model
{os} Device operating system
{os_verion} Device operating system version
{year} Device year of release
%d% IMEI (MD5 encrypted)
%androidid% Device android id
%carrier% Carrier name
%device% Phone model
%manufacturer% Device manufacturer name
%campaignid% Campaign Id
%creativeid% Creative Id
%ip% Device ip address
%state% State
%city% City
%dapp% App Id
%pubid% Application Developer/Advertiser Id
%framework% Device OS Version
{clickcode} To substitute the unique clickcode value
{pubid} To substitute the publisher ID associated with this click.
{random} To substitute a randomly generated value
{$id} – a unique ID of the traffic source/website
{$cc} – two letter country code of the visitor
{$category} – the category of the traffic source/website
{$domain} – the domain of the traffic source/website
{$trafficsource} – type of the traffic source (babelog, blog, dump, mgp, tgp or tube)
{$ad_id} – a unique ID of your ad (works on PlugTraffic only)
{$ad_ref} – your internal ad reference (works on PlugTraffic only)
{campaign_id} ID of the campaign.
{variation_id} ID of the variation. (Banner or landing page)
{src_hostname} Domain name where the ad is displayed.
{site_id} ID of the site where the ad is displayed.
{zone_id} ID of the ad zone where the ad is displayed.
{category_id} ID of the category detected.
{country} 3-char country code of the visitor.
{time} Timestamp, used as a cache buster.
Traffic Factory
{} Campaign’s id
{} Target’s bid
{} Banner’s id
{} Name of the banner
{banner.size} Size of the banner e.g. “338×235”
{} Campaign’s target name
{categories} The page’s categories
{} 3 letters ISO country code
{user.browser} User’s web browser
{user.os} User’s operating system
{bannertag} : This is a tag that represents your banner.
{campaigntag} : This is a tag that represents your campaign.
{spottag} : This is a tag that represents the spot (page location on the site) your ad appears on. This value is set by AdBucks and cannot be customized.
{site} : This is a tag that represents the site your ad appears on.
{width} : This is a tag that represents the width (in pixels) of the ad spot.
{height} : This is a tag that represents the height (in pixels) of the ad spot.
{size} : This is a tag that represents a shortcut equivalent to {width}x{height}.
{year} : This is a tag that represents the current 4-digit year (2014).
{month} : This is a tag that represents the current 2-digit month (09).
Traffic Force
{site_id} – id of the site on whch the ad is shown
{channel_id} – id of the channel on which the ad is shown
{campaign_id} – id of the campaign
{group_id} – id of the group
{ad_id} – id of the ad
{keywords} – list of keywords by which the ad was found
{v_country} – visitor country
{v_language} – visitor language
{v_browser} – visitor browser
{v_os} – visitor operating system
Cake – Used by half the CPA affiliate networks
#leadid# – Lead ID
#affid# – Affiliate ID
#oid# – Offer ID
#campid# – Campaign ID
#cid# – Creative ID
#tid# – Transaction ID
#s1# – Sub ID 1
#s2# – Sub ID 2
#s3# – Sub ID 3
#s4# – Sub ID 4
#s5# – Sub ID 5
#price# – Payout
HasOffers – Used by the other half of the CPA affiliate networks
{offer_id} ID of offer.
{offer_name} Name of offer.
{offer_ref} Reference ID for offer.
{goal_id} ID of goal for offer.
{affiliate_id} ID of affiliate.
{affiliate_name} Company name of affiliate.
{affiliate_ref} Reference ID for affiliate.
{source} Source value specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub} Affiliate sub specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub2} Affiliate sub 2 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub3} Affiliate sub 3 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub4} Affiliate sub 4 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub5} Affiliate sub 5 specified in the tracking link.
{offer_url_id} ID of offer URL for offer.
{offer_file_id} ID of creative file for offer.
{file_name} Name of creative file for offer.
{transaction_id} ID of the transaction for your network.
{session_ip} IP address that started the tracking session.
{ip} IP address that made the conversion request.
{date} Current date of conversion formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
{time} Current time of conversion formatted as HH:MM:SS.
{datetime} Current date and time
{ran} Randomly generated number.
{currency} 3 digit currency abbreviated.
{payout} Amount paid to affiliate for conversion.
{device_brand} For mobile app tracking, the brand name of the mobile device
{device_model} For mobile app tracking, the model of the mobile device
{device_os} For mobile app tracking, the operating system of the device
{device_os_version} For mobile app tracking
{device_id} For mobile app tracking, the DEVICE ID of the Android device iOS UDID
{device_id_md5} For mobile app tracking
{device_id_sha1} For mobile app tracking
{android_id} For mobile app tracking, the ANDROID ID for Android devices only.
{android_id_md5} For mobile app tracking
{android_id_sha1} For mobile app tracking
{mac_address} For mobile app tracking, the MAC address of the phone’s wifi adapter
{mac_address_md5} For mobile app tracking
{mac_address_sha1} For mobile app tracking
{onid} For mobile app tracking, the ODIN of the device which is the the MAC address of the phone’s wifi adapter in a binary array and then hashed with SHA1 algorithm.
{open_udid} For mobile app tracking, the OpenUDID of the device.
{ios_ifa} For mobile app tracking, Apple’s advertiser identifier with iOS 6+.
{ios_ifa_md5} For mobile app tracking
{ios_ifa_sha1} For mobile app tracking
{ios_ifv} For mobile app tracking, Apple’s vendor identifier with iOS 6+.
{unid} For mobile app tracking, the unid is not a specific device identifier
{mobile_ip} For mobile app tracking, the ip address for the mobile device.