In this tutorial I’m going to go through the code for a boilerplate which connects a Soroban smart contract to a React dApp.
Note that for a more full featured demo app you can check out the excellent Scaffold Soroban at:
There is also this from the guys at Palta Labs:

The contract is a simple key value data store which includes public set, get, delete functions. We then use the Stellar-SDK within React to connect to this and create this simple little boilerplate to demonstrate how to get data in and out of the Stellar network.

The code for this is open source at:
Setup Instructions
To get started let’s fork the repository using GIT. If you haven’t used a package manager before then you can also download the files using the link in the repo.
git clone
cd Stellar-Soroban-Boilerplate
We can then start the React app in dev mode by running:
npm install
npm start
This will start a live preview in a browser so any changes you make to the code will be updated in real-time in the browser.

Deploying The Contract
If you make any changes to the contract you’ll need to redeploy it and update the contractId on line 13 of App.js
Let’s go through the steps to redeploying the contract. If you already have Rust installed you can skip the first line.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install --locked stellar-cli --features opt
stellar network add --global testnet --rpc-url --network-passphrase "Test SDF Network ; September 2015"
stellar keys generate --global james --network testnet
stellar keys address james
cargo test
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
stellar contract deploy --wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/yourcontract.wasm --source james --network testnet
The final 3 commands run the test suite, then build the contracts compiling them to web assembly before finally deploying them to the network.
I hope this provides a useful starting point or demonstration for the hackathon participants.
If you are in London on the 12-13th October then register here: