James Bachini


  • Ark’s Big Ideas For 2025 Summary

    Ark’s Big Ideas For 2025 Summary

    Always a Cathie Wood fan so here’s a condensed version of the research report at:https://www.ark-invest.com/big-ideas-2025 Multiomics, Genomics, and AI-Driven Drug Discovery Robotics and Automation Aerospace and Reusable Rockets Energy and Infrastructure Overarching Themes and Takeaways

  • Using ChatGPT To Explore Future Investment Opportunities

    Using ChatGPT To Explore Future Investment Opportunities

    This post was inspired by @Jake_Pahors post on Twitter which led me down a rabbit hole of thinking about what the world might look like in 10 years time and what investment opportunities might arise from these changes. The first step was to get ChatGPT to check what I was missing using the following prompt.…

  • Web3 Investment Thesis

    Web3 Investment Thesis

    This Web3 investment thesis covers the potential disruption from decentralized permissionless computing. As blockchains scale it’s going to be possible to use smart contracts to enable users to store their own data creating the opportunity for a new era of decentralized applications. Web3 Disrupting Data Web3 disrupts the way we store data online by using…

  • Startup Funding | How To Raise Capital For Modern Startups

    Startup Funding | How To Raise Capital For Modern Startups

    The following guide provides everything you need to know to successfully raise capital for your startup. Startup funding doesn’t need to be complicated, investors are actively looking to deploy capital into new ideas and businesses. Where To Raise Capital [Video] Crowdfunding Platforms Government Grants & Tax Relief Friends & Family Bank Loans, P2P Lending &…

  • The intelligent investor – April’s Book of the Month

    The intelligent investor is to fund managers what cashvertising is to marketers. First published in the mid twentieth century it now comes with an updated commentary which is as good as the book itself. Graham inspired a host of famous investors including Warren Buffett and this book mirrors my own opinions about going against the…