James Bachini

Options Trading

  • Aevo Decentralized Options Platfor

    Aevo Decentralized Options Platfor

    Aevo is a hybrid decentralized options protocol running an off-chain orderbook with trades routed through a dedicated EVM appChain and settled on Ethereum mainnet. The exchange is built by the Ribbon Finance team who plan to migrate Ribbons products to Aevo options. For traders and market makers it offers a decentralized alternative to Deribit. How…

  • Deribit Review | Read This First

    Deribit Review | Read This First

    Deribit is the leading options trading platform for cryptocurrencies. In this article I’ll be doing a comprehensive Deribit review and providing insights and strategies for options trading on deribit.com Deribit Demo [Video] James On YouTube Bitcoin Futures & Options The Deribit brand combines Derivatives with Bitcoin and these derivatives come in two forms futures and…