James Bachini


  • How To Create A BRC20 Bitcoin Token

    How To Create A BRC20 Bitcoin Token

    In this tutorial we will create our own BRC20 token on the Bitcoin network. James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: https://youtu.be/6eTN2fVd4Pw |Subscribe What are BRC20 Tokens? BRC20 tokens are created using the Bitcoin Ordinals protocol. The Ordinals protocol is a set of rules that govern how inscriptions are created, transferred and managed. Bitcoin and the…

  • Taproot Explained | Beneficial For Bitcoin?

    Taproot Explained | Beneficial For Bitcoin?

    The Taproot Bitcoin upgrade was activated on November 14th 2021. It was designed to improve privacy, efficiency and the network’s ability to process custom logic. The upgrade inadvertently made it possible to link metadata to Bitcoin transactions. By using ordinal theory it is possible to inscribe each satoshi (lowest denomination of Bitcoin) with a corresponding…