Building a SEP41 Token on Stellar Soroban with OpenZeppelin
OpenZeppelin has just launched the first few contract libraries for the Soroban ecosystem. Let’s take a look and build out a token using their fungible token module. James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: | Subscribe Deploying a Fungible Token on Soroban Prerequisites Ensure you have the following installed: You’ll also need some testnet tokens…
Automating Web3 Interactions In Rust | Minting Ethereum NFT’s With Ethers-rs
In this tutorial we are going to be deploying a simple NFT contract to Ethereum and then minting new NFT’s using a bot built with Rust and ethers-rs Let’s start by heading to Remix and deploying this contract to Ethereum’s Sepolia testnet. It has already been deployed here if you want to skip this step:…
Creating WASM Files Using Rust and Running Them in the Browser
In this tutorial we will be writing some code in Rust, compiling to web assembly (WASM) and then running that code in a browser. This enables high performance applications to be run within a web dev setting. In this tutorial I’ll be using windows subsystem for Linux. Let’s first install Rust and wasm-pack (more instructions…
Building Rust Smart Contracts On Stellar Soroban
Soroban is the smart contract platform that allows developers to write and deploy smart contracts on the Stellar network. This tutorial will guide you through the process of building a simple smart contract using Rust and deploying it to Soroban. I recently took on the role of Developer in Residence with Stellar and this is…
Calculating Bitcoin Fair Value With Rust
In this tutorial, we will create a Rust script that: Instructions Rust Code The code is open source and available on Github: We’ll start with the async fetch_klines function to fetch Bitcoin price data from the Binance API. The Binance API provides various endpoints for accessing market data, and we’ll use the /api/v3/klines endpoint…
DeFi Analysis With Rust
In this tutorial I’m going to provide some code and show you how to monitor the number of depositors to Eigenlayer over the last 24 hours. We will be using Rust with the Tokio and Ethers libraries along with the Infura API which you can get a free key from here. The first thing we…
Ethers-rs Tutorial | The Rust Web3 Library
In this tutorial we will be setting up a Rust script to connect to a smart contract on a blockchain network to display on-chain data using the ethers-rs library. James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: |Subscribe Let’s start by setting up a new Rust project (you’ll need rust installed on your device and I’ll…