Two php functions for scraping content and extracting links
////// Grab webpage ////// function webFetcher($url) { $crawl = curl_init(); curl_setopt ($crawl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($crawl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $resulting = $resulting.curl_exec($crawl); curl_close($crawl); return $result = $resulting; } //////////////////////////////// //// extract links //// function extract_links($text) { preg_match_all(‘/<\s*a[^<>]*?href=[\’”]?([^\s<>\’”]*)[\’”]?[^<>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/si’, $text, $match_array, PREG_SET_ORDER); $return = array() ; foreach ($match_array as $serp) { $full_anchor = $serp[0]; $href = $serp[1]; $anchortext =…
Three ways to debug php
Method 1 – error.log For this to work you need to be coding in a linux environment with php, apache etc setup. This is the best way I have found and what I currently use to debug my applications/web pages. open up a new terminal and type: tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log This will give you a…
CPA Tips
Maxbounty tracking with subid in prosper202: /tracking202/static/gpb.php?amount=&subid=#S1# The standard conversion rate I use (probably out of date): //$ > £ = x 0.64 Note that what you buy and sell dollars for is very different, 2-4% Consider setting up US bank account. Not possible without visiting the states to the best of my knowledge. Phi…
list to php array list2phparray
Code below for a script to take a list and turn it into an array. Comes in pretty useful. <?php if ($_POST[‘list’]) { $splist = explode(“\n”, $_POST[‘list’]); $out = ‘$x = array(‘; foreach ($splist as $line) { $out = $out.”‘$line’, “; } $out = substr($out,0,-1); $out = substr($out,0,-1); $out = $out.’);’; echo $out; } else…
Prosper202 Hacks and Modifications
JiM’s Prosper202 mods 1) increase session life (stops it locking you out every few minutes) add the following line just before session_start(); in 202-config/connect.php ini_set(‘session.gc_maxlifetime’,99999); 2) Cchange the first page you see. edit 202-login.php line 80: header(‘location: /202-account’); to header(‘location: /tracking202’); or /tracking202/spy/ If you are doing email submits or any volume loging into spy…
Dynamically modifying the landing page with TrafficVance using php
I ran into a silly issue today when dynamically modifying a landing page using TrafficVance. The script I was using was a pretty straight forward: <?php if ($_GET[‘t202kw’]) { $kw = strip_tags($_GET[‘t202kw’]); } if(strpos($kw,’jetinternetmarketing.co.uk’) !== false) { $page = ‘<h1>Dont target JiM on traffic Vance</h1>’; } ?> The problem was that the url I was…
Welcome to the blog
Thanks for visiting this is the first post at JiM’s Blog. To tell you a little about why we are starting a blog could take a while but in short we are trying to improve our communications throughout the industry and this is one method we are using. If you are interested in getting in…