James Bachini


  • 8 Tips For The Perfect Blog Post

    8 Tips For The Perfect Blog Post

    This is the revised 2020 complete guide to the best practices when creating content for your blog. You can use this framework to create a “perfect blog post” and move your site up the search engine rankings. James On YouTube The Title The title or headline of a blog post should be a close match…

  • Beautiful Email Template [Download]

    Beautiful Email Template [Download]

    Here is a beautiful email template layout which you can download from here: http://jamesbachini.com/misc/email.zip View the HTML page: http://jamesbachini.com/misc/email.htm Update all the images and links before you send out. The background skyline is in the zip file, you could modify to suit your niche just keep the color the same.

  • 11 Proven Headline Formulas For Affiliate Marketing

    Here is a list of headlines, most you’ll probably recognise. They are all over the web because they work. Use the formulas and adapt it to your product/service. ONE SIMPLE TRICK TO A …[BENEFIT] EXPERTS HATE HIM FOR …[BENEFIT] WARNING: [BENEFIT] 1268 LONDONERS [BENEFIT] IS [PRODUCT] A SCAM? CAN [PRODUCT] HELP YOU [BENEFIT]? HOW TO…

  • Golden Gems in Copywriting

    Copywriting is an essential skill in affiliate marketing. Being able to persuade a user to complete an action comes down to communication and a lot of the communication on a website or landing page is written text. When I write copy I follow a build > breakdown > rebuild workflow. What this means is I’ll…

  • A lesson in writing headlines

    http://www.viralnova.com/ This site is an epic resource of great copy for headlines. Here are some examples and the techniques they employ: This $145,000,000 Spiritual Headquarters Is Just Ridiculous. I’m Sure You Know Who Built It. Questioning the reader to draw intrigue The ‘Before’ Photo Made Me Sick. Yet The ‘After’ Photo Is So Great That…

  • Ideas for improving landing pages

    The following is a list of proven methods that can improve the ctr and cvr of a landing page. Big Bright Buttons – Have you split tested different buttons, button text etc? Copy and Text – Persuasive text is key and an art form in itself. Images – Every image on that landing page should…

  • Online Banner Design Tool

    Need to design/modify banners but don’t have Photoshop installed? Try this online image editor: http://pixlr.com/editor/ A great little tool for the affiliate that only does image editing once in a blue moon, you lucky souls. Pixlr – The online alternative to photoshop

  • My Favourite Buttons For Banner Design

    Below is a list of my favourite buttons I keep handy when designing banners. I’m a bit old school and still use Fireworks MX for design simply because I know where everything is on it and it does everything I want it to. After 6-7 years it would be really annoying to switch to Photoshop.…

  • Facebook Share button more effective than Likes?

    A recent post at SEOMoz suggested that their research has found a better correlation between facebook shares than Facebook likes. The full post is here and makes for an interesting read. One of the things that really caught my attention was in the comments and I quote: “After chatting with our Google rep it seems…