James Bachini


  • Custom QR Code Design | How To Create Custom QR Codes For Marketing

    Custom QR Code Design | How To Create Custom QR Codes For Marketing

    Here is an example of a custom QR Code which you can scan with any camera app to get a link back to this website In this article I’m going to show you how you can create these using a free tools. How Do QR Codes Work Generate QR Code Link Import QR Code To…

  • Building Basic Websites

    Building Basic Websites

    Every now and again you just need a basic site setup to have an internet presence. Normally this occurs for me when a friend or family member tells people I “do websites” and I get roped in to helping them out. So what options are there for a basic, modern website template. The obvious answer…

  • The balance of an online marketers skillset

    Effective online marketing requires a balance of skills. A good campaign requires creativity, great design, effective programming and meticulous optimisation. Leonardo Da Vinci would have made a great affiliate. If he was around in today he’d find this easy because he had a great balance of artistic creativity and scientific inquisition. Good design is intertwined…

  • Designing Banners in Place

    Designing Banners in Place

    Something I don’t hear a lot of affiliates talk about is taking the placement in to consideration when designing banners. Sometimes if you are targeting multiple sites/positions this isn’t possible but for traffic sources like Facebook this is something every affiliate should consider. Simply take a screenshot of the page where you intend to advertise…

  • Ideas for improving landing pages

    The following is a list of proven methods that can improve the ctr and cvr of a landing page. Big Bright Buttons – Have you split tested different buttons, button text etc? Copy and Text – Persuasive text is key and an art form in itself. Images – Every image on that landing page should…

  • Perfect Site Structure

    It is widely accepted that Google places the most weight on the first 100 links it finds on a web page. With that in mind we can design a website that is optimised so that every single page is as close to the root domain as possible. Even with a 1,000,000+ page website you can…