React Hooks Tutorial | The 7 Most Important React Hooks
React Hooks provide a way to manage state, side effects, references and more in functional components. In this tutorial, we’ll look at the seven most commonly used React hooks When You Would Use These React Hooks useStateImagine you have a piece of data in your component that might change, like a number for a counter…
Format JSON Tool
A simple tool to lint and format JSON because I was fed up of using the ones covered in ads. Format JSON The Javascript code that makes this work is quite simple: It can be used to format outputs prior to displaying the results of API queries or any other JSON found wild around the…
Web3 PWA Boilerplate | How To Create Next Generation dApps
One of Web3’s biggest issues is getting around the centralization of app stores and their stringent terms on the commission requirements for digital asset payments and transfers. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in my opinion are the best solution as it allows you to install dApps directly on to a mobile device without using the app…
Dynamic Evolving NFTs | How To Create Dynamic NFTs & dApps
Dynamic NFTs include logic that evolves the underlying data that the NFT contract holds. In this example we will build a picture profile NFT that is upgradeable to an alien
All the source code for this project is available at: Dynamic NFT Smart Contract The Solidity smart contracts will comprise of two tokens:…
How To Generate Artwork For NFT’s With Jang.js
This article explains how to generate artwork for NFT’s like cryptopunks where there are 10,000 profile pictures. Most of the NFT generators you’ll find online are designed for simplicity and ease of use for non-developers. I wanted to create something which was customisable and expandable to allow for more innovative NFT collections. Jang.js “Just Another…
Markdown Tutorial | How To Get Started With Markdown
In this markdown tutorial I’ll be showing you how to get started with writing simple markdown for docs and social media before going on to some more advanced concepts and exploring the things you can do with markdown. Markdown Tutorial This video goes through the basics step by step. There are more details, copy &…
Separating Signal From Noise on WallStreetBets [Niche Website]
This case study looks at how I went about building a one page website around the trending WallStreetBets community. Creating A Niche Website To Filter WallStreetBets [Video] The Problem & A Simple Solution Starting With A Script Lean Methodology For Niche Websites Marketing A Niche Website Niche Website Monetisation & Financials Conclusion Creating A Niche…
Digital Marketing Overview | Beginners Guide
In this beginners guide I provide a digital marketing overview of how to setup and run online marketing campaigns. Check out the video and there’s more detailed information below and in the digital marketing tutorials section. [Video] Digital Marketing For Beginners How Online Marketing Works Performance Marketing Process Analytics & Tracking Website, Landing Page Design…
Website Competitor Analysis | 5 Steps To Research The Competition
This article outlines the following five steps to carry out a thorough website competitor analysis. Assessing Competitive Landscape Analyzing Website Traffic Metrics Social Media & Content Analysis Web Technology & Tracking Analysis Personnel & Corporate Structure Research First let’s look at a video example of carrying out competitor research for a Clickbank product. Website Competitor…
Custom QR Code Design | How To Create Custom QR Codes For Marketing
Here is an example of a custom QR Code which you can scan with any camera app to get a link back to this website In this article I’m going to show you how you can create these using a free tools. How Do QR Codes Work Generate QR Code Link Import QR Code To…
Vanilla HTML | No. 1 Free HTML Boilerplate
A boilerplate is a starter template which contains the skeleton framework for a development project. Vanilla HTML is a HTML,CSS,JS boilerplate designed for websites with particular focus on SEO and performance marketing. Vanilla HTML in under 2 minutes How Does Vanilla HTML Work? Setting Up Vanilla HTML Why Vanilla HTML over WordPress or React? Vanilla…
CRO | Conversion Rate Optimisation
This article is part of a free online course where you can learn digital marketing. Conversion rate optimisation or CRO is the process of making a website, landing page or app convert more visitors into leads and customers. What is CRO and do I need it? What is the Average Improvement to Conversion Rate? How…
How do you turn a website into an app in 7 steps
This is a step by step guide to using a open-source package called Cordova to turn a website into mobile app on Android and iOS. I’ll be using a windows device for this but all the packages are also available for a Mac. To publish an app to the iOS app store you need to…
Capitalisation of Links ( CRO Test
I thought an interesting split test would be to test if text links on a landing page that are capitalised get more clicks than ones that don’t. For example: – standard (control) – Capitalised This was for a site that wasn’t a personal name and contained a full directory and page like…
Resize youtube/vimeo iframe to maximum available height and width
Here is the code to make a flexible or video fit both the height and width of the containing div. Like a flexible adsense unit it will take up the maximum available space on the page or be constrained within a containing object such as a div. CSS: .vcontainer { position:relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; padding-top:30px;…
Building Basic Websites
Every now and again you just need a basic site setup to have an internet presence. Normally this occurs for me when a friend or family member tells people I “do websites” and I get roped in to helping them out. So what options are there for a basic, modern website template. The obvious answer…
Checking landing page load times
Landing page load times can make a big difference to the conversion rate of an affiliate campaign. Here’s a great free site for checking load times and getting suggestions on how to improve the page load speed. As you can see I could do with tweeking wordpress to display the images a bit better…
Google Friendly Mobile Pages Test
Google have provided a tool which checks to see if a site renders clearly in a mobile browser. The tool looks like it is setup at 320px and if your site works at this you’ll get a “mobile-friendly” tag in your organic search listings. Here’s the link to check your sites: Some other good…
How Groupon’s landing page has evolved in two years
In 2012 Groupon was at the cutting edge of performance marketing. They had big budgets and were doing big business with affiliates. I thought it would be interesting to analyse a landing page from back then and then one they use today. The lander actually reminds me a bit of some of the dating landing…
Mobile eCPM’s still not competing with desktop
Here’s some stats I ran off today from a Google Adsense account I have for some old seo based domains with various sites and “general” mainstream traffic. It’s interesting to see that the eCPM’s for desktop traffic are still way above that of high end mobile devices: Platform Page views Clicks Page CTR CPC Page…
Upgrading to WordPress 4.0 a breeze
I always get the fear when doing major upgrades on any platform. Something is bound to be non-compatible and get messed up. In this instance upgrading to WordPress 4.0 took about 5 minutes, didn’t mess up the themes and everything is still where it should be… right? WordPress is, in my opinion, the best platform…
Refactoring for ROI in affiliate marketing
The importance of refactoring is well documented in the programming world. But I haven’t seen it mentioned in an affiliate marketing context. So what is refactoring? Basically starting again from scratch. So instead adding variations to your banners or landing pages, start again and use everything you’ve learned to produce a better campaign. If you…
Ideas for improving landing pages
The following is a list of proven methods that can improve the ctr and cvr of a landing page. Big Bright Buttons – Have you split tested different buttons, button text etc? Copy and Text – Persuasive text is key and an art form in itself. Images – Every image on that landing page should…
Using Google Fonts on Landing Pages
This is how you can use Google web fonts on your landing pages, blog posts and web pages. The benefit of this is that the font is loaded from a remote server include on the Google APIs so it does not depend on the local storage of that font on the users computer. This makes…
Online Banner Design Tool
Need to design/modify banners but don’t have Photoshop installed? Try this online image editor: A great little tool for the affiliate that only does image editing once in a blue moon, you lucky souls. Pixlr – The online alternative to photoshop
Resizing images and adjusting landing pages based on screen resolution
So many browsers so many different screen resolutions. Here’s a way to modify html code based on the screen resolution of the browser. In this example I have changed an image but there is no reason why you cant change text, font size or even use it to redirect users who have mobile sized screens.…
iframe to a specific div id on a landing page
Below is the code to iframe an offer page but cut out all the stuff you don’t need. This is useful if you just want to iframe the form while using your own images etc. This is setup so you just enter the url and div id you want to jump to at the top…
- – Interactive Landing Pages
Interaction is key in modern web design and one of the tools I’ve found to be very helpful in making a more interactive environment is It is basically a javascript inlcude which can provide you with a whole load of effects and functions to use on your landing pages. Check out a simple example…
Direct Response Marketing Pushing CPC Prices Up – The Future for Google Adwords
I was asked to setup a little campaign for an offline electrical company on “The Google”. The business they operate in is electrical testing or PAT testing as it is known here in the UK. It’s the kind of industry where I wouldn’t expect to find much competition when it comes to online marketing. That…
Custom WordPress 404 Page For SEO
I have recently been purchasing used domain names from Godaddy Auctions and Dropcatch. When I get the domains the first thing we do is look at what traffic they were pulling for what topics via google cached web search. If there is some good content on there and things we want to keep we will…
Setting up twitter feed to post to Twitter and Facebook accounts
If you don’t already have a facebook and twitter account for your company they are really easy to setup. On facebook remember to click the “Create a Page for a celebrity, band or business” link on the homepage. Once you have those accounts setup head over to and sign up for an account. Enter…