James Bachini


  • Web3 vs Cloud Computing

    Web3 vs Cloud Computing

    Have you ever wondered if decentralised data storage can truly rival the convenience and efficiency of traditional cloud services like AWS? Web3 devs today face several significant challenges. On-chain data is currently slow, expensive, and often comes with a poor user experience. However, with the rapid advancements in technology, the future could look very different.…

  • How To Lookup An ENS Name In Python

    How To Lookup An ENS Name In Python

    To check a wallet token balance on the Ethereum blockchain using Python you will need the following: Once we have our API key ready and Python installed we can install web3.py using the following command Now let’s create a file called enslookup.py and add the following code. Enter your Infura API key on line 5.…

  • Building a Career in Web3

    Building a Career in Web3

    Web3 represents the future of the internet, where developers can deploy permissionless code on a decentralized network. Building a career in this space requires a combination of technical skills, practical experience, and a strategic approach. This article outlines the key steps for anyone looking to forge a career in Web3, from learning Solidity to launching…

  • Using Vyper With Remix

    Using Vyper With Remix

    You can now use Vyper (a smart contract programming language similar to python) with remix to build and deploy contracts on Ethereum and other EVM blockchains. The first step is installing the Vyper plugin at https://remix.ethereum.org/ where you’ll find a list of plugins using the icon in the bottom left. You’ll then get an extra…

  • Ethers-rs Tutorial | The Rust Web3 Library

    Ethers-rs Tutorial | The Rust Web3 Library

    In this tutorial we will be setting up a Rust script to connect to a smart contract on a blockchain network to display on-chain data using the ethers-rs library. James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: https://youtu.be/FA7WFGtyri8 |Subscribe Let’s start by setting up a new Rust project (you’ll need rust installed on your device and I’ll…

  • WAGMI Tutorial | The Web3 React Framework

    WAGMI Tutorial | The Web3 React Framework

    WAGMI is a set of Typescript React hooks for web3 which enables developers to connect to smart contracts on blockchain networks. In this tutorial we will look at how to install and setup a boilerplate in WAGMI and then build a simple read query. WAGMI in 3 Mins [Video] James On YouTube Watch On YouTube:…

  • Emergent use cases for self-sovereign identity in DeFi

    Emergent use cases for self-sovereign identity in DeFi

    Abstract The DeFi sector is facing increased regulatory pressure to de-anonymize certain transactions and user profiles, while simultaneously dealing with flagging user confidence in terms of their individual rights to data privacy. This is providing fertile ground for innovative companies to try to allow end users to be the sovereign of their own identity and…

  • NEAR BOS | Blockchain Operating System

    NEAR BOS | Blockchain Operating System

    Near BOS is a complete framework designed for creating, testing, deploying and distributing decentralized application frontends. Developers can create Javascript based dApps with the frontend code stored and distributed from a blockchain. It is blockchain agnostic so you can store data on Near and EVM chains. BOS is a collection of components, blockchains & gateways.…

  • Web3 PWA Boilerplate | How To Create Next Generation dApps

    Web3 PWA Boilerplate | How To Create Next Generation dApps

    One of Web3’s biggest issues is getting around the centralization of app stores and their stringent terms on the commission requirements for digital asset payments and transfers. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) in my opinion are the best solution as it allows you to install dApps directly on to a mobile device without using the app…

  • The Secrets Web3 Marketers Use To Launch New Crypto Projects

    The Secrets Web3 Marketers Use To Launch New Crypto Projects

    My previous background in digital marketing and now having worked in the blockchain sector for 6 years provides unique vantage point on the differences between conventional and web3 marketing. Successful crypto projects create communities of advocates who act as micro-influencers championing the cause. In this article I’ll discuss why “build it and they will come”…

  • 3 Ways To Raise Web3 Funding

    3 Ways To Raise Web3 Funding

    In this article I’ll explore 3 ways in which you can raise funds for your project with web3 products. Membership NFT A NFT is a non-fungible token, they are often represented as a unique image which can contain additional rights such as: To execute a NFT drop, the following steps can be taken: If any…

  • Uniswap Market Maker Bot | Managing Token Liquidity On Uniswap

    Uniswap Market Maker Bot | Managing Token Liquidity On Uniswap

    In this tutorial I am going to go through how I built a market maker bot to manage liquidity on Uniswap v3 for a token pair. The idea is to create a automated trading bot which buys tokens when price falls below a base line value and sells tokens when price is above the base…

  • Ethers vs VIEM | Which Web3 Frontend Library?

    Ethers vs VIEM | Which Web3 Frontend Library?

    Ether.js took over from Web3.js as the number one library for connecting up our dApps to smart contracts running on EVM blockchains. Recently Ethers v6 was released and VIEM is disrupting the space by offering a lightweight Ethereum client library from the authors of WAGMI react hooks. I have always been a big fan of…

  • Web3 Investment Thesis

    Web3 Investment Thesis

    This Web3 investment thesis covers the potential disruption from decentralized permissionless computing. As blockchains scale it’s going to be possible to use smart contracts to enable users to store their own data creating the opportunity for a new era of decentralized applications. Web3 Disrupting Data Web3 disrupts the way we store data online by using…

  • Sign In With Ethereum Tutorial

    Sign In With Ethereum Tutorial

    To sign in with Ethereum using Metamask we will be using the ERC4361 specification that allows Ethereum accounts to authenticate with off-chain services using a standard message format. This technology offer users a self-custodial alternative to centralized identity providers that generally use email:password credentials. In Web3 applications we can improve user experiences and establish a…

  • Timeframe & Budgets For Web3 Development

    Timeframe & Budgets For Web3 Development

    In this article I’m going to provide a timeframe, gantt chart and budget costs for web3 development projects. This assumes a medium sized project for something like a new, innovative DeFi protocol consisting of 5-10 interconnected smart contracts and around 1000 lines of code plus an external audit and dApp frontend. If you are just…

  • Complete Introduction To Web3 Tutorial | Fullstack Web3 Development Tutorial

    Complete Introduction To Web3 Tutorial | Fullstack Web3 Development Tutorial

    This video course provides a complete introduction to Web3 development. The Web3 tutorial starts with a simple Hello World smart contract and React frontend before diving in to create something useful on Ethereum mainnet. Introduction To Web3 Development James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: https://youtu.be/RwuG9HluFQY |Subscribe Hello World Smart Contract James On YouTube Watch On…

  • Solidity for Beginners

    Solidity for Beginners

    Solidity is the programming language used to develop smart contracts on Ethereum and other compatible blockchains. In this “Solidity for Beginners” tutorial I will take you from setting up solidity tools to deploying your first contract. James On YouTube Watch On YouTube: https://youtu.be/yM6oRMdMiTM |Subscribe Tools & Setup We will be starting in Remix which is…

  • EthGlobal Hackathon | Winning $4300 And Advice For Future Participants

    EthGlobal Hackathon | Winning $4300 And Advice For Future Participants

    EthGlobal hackathons are the largest and most prestigious in the blockchain developer space. The February 2022 “Road To Web3” event was focused on the migration from web2 social networks to web3 technologies. Over the weekend around 400 teams built projects using sponsors technology including Polygon, Uniswap, Moralis and Web3Auth. This video talks about the experience…

  • The Truth About dApps & Web3

    The Truth About dApps & Web3

    This article is derived from a chapter in the free eBook explaining DeFi technologies:DeFi Demystified | An Introduction To Decentralized Finance If smart contracts form the back end brains of a DeFi platform then dApps or decentralized applications form the front-end that we interact with as users. In theory dApps can be compiled from source…